Weird Banner

These are all in eml format. Go to my "Tips" page to read how that is different than the usual type of stationery. Most people like it better. Also read how the setting Source/Edit can stop the need for sending yourself "test" messages


This stationery is the Borg Cube from STAR TREK rotating in space. It has sound effects with it.. It will look funny as you type your message but will come out fine -- I strongly suggest using Source/Edit.. Find out about that in the Tips section. Depending on your computer settings it may come with a warning message that it uses Active X controls..THIS STATIONERY WILL NOT HURT YOUR COMPUTER. Mean people can use Active X controls to hurt your computer but most of those come from websites, not stationery.

Borg Cube

This stationery & script was written by Bill Scott ( such a nice guy!).

The birds are animated and fly down the text. As they move over the text the words get bigger then go back to normal size. It is called a " Bubble Text Stationery"

Bubble Text Birds

Here is my take on it.. A humming bird instead of seagulls

Hummy Bubble Text

These are "transitional" stationeries. That means they have multiple images that rotate through. Very cool!



This stationery does not have a scroll button. If you type a really long message it has an automatic scroll for the recipient to use. It feels weird at first but it is very neat. They just position the cursor over the page and move it up or down and the stationery responds to that.

Earth View

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