You won't believe how easy it is to make all your stationeries into eml type files.
1. Start a letter (with stationery) like you normally would.
2. If you don't like the music and want to change it then go TOOLS/BACKGROUND/SOUND and pick a new one.
Then type TEXT GOES HERE in your letter. We do this so the stationery remembers what color the font is and
where it goes. Sometimes the stationery acts like it forgets, so this just "holds" it here. You may have wondered why
stationery creators do this...It is not like we think you are too stupid to figure out where to write :-)
3. Go to FILE/SAVE AS *****NOT SAVE AS STATIONERY****** but SAVE AS.. Give it a name and
remember where you are saving it to.
That is it!!! Now go clean up that mess you call a stationery folder!
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